 Angela Vocale


Angela Vocale
 Anna Maria Fazio


Anna Maria Fazio
 Bonifacio Castello


Bonifacio Castello
 Bruno Betti


Bruno Betti
 Bruno Di Maio


Bruno Di Maio
 Claudia Mascaro


Claudia Mascaro


 Claudio Parentela


Claudio Parentela
 Cristina Gandini


Cristina Gandini
 cristina santostefano


cristina santostefano
 cristina santostefano


cristina santostefano
 Cristina Barbarisi


Cristina Barbarisi
 Daniele Zorzin


Daniele Zorzin
 dante dalbuono


dante  dalbuono
 Davide Gorla


Davide Gorla
 Davide Di Taranto


Davide Di Taranto
 Diego Della Posta


Diego Della Posta
 Donatella Sechi


Donatella Sechi
 Elisabetta Fontana


Elisabetta Fontana
 Fabio Masciangelo


Fabio Masciangelo
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Lella Rendesi


Lella Rendesi lives and works in Prato. She creates her works of art following a meticolous simmetry
based on opposites: black and white, big and small.
Her works are present in private colletions is Italy as well as in Paris, New york, Miami.


dante  dalbuono


My work is always shared and agreed with those who commission it and covers many artistic techniques.
My painting and drawing works range from illustration to comics, from painting to murals. They are my story or a snapshot of what I want to tell.
My works of art (for galleries or homes) are alw


Sergio Giardina


SERGIO GIARDINA nato a Riva del Garda il 13 /01/36 e residente a Roma.

1961-1964 Ha frequentato l'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze -Scuola Libera del Nudo diretta dal Prof.Cavalli.

1965-1974 Ha frequentato l'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Roma e Scuola libera del Nudo diretta dal Prof.







Genoa Florence gallery shows artists of pop artists list Rome London contemporary art gallery exhibitions artists gallery art installations art photographic artist painters sculptors modern alphabetical nine hundred nine hundred contemporary painters Paris Italian and international emerging New York figurative sculptors Milano Torino masters of Impressionist art modern art contemporary Veneziagalleria art exhibitions installations gallery artists gallery paintings contemporary artist painter italy sculpture art