Davide Di Taranto
Diploma in painting of the Florence Art Academy
Personal exhibitions:
?Eyes without face? Milan, The Gallery and Design
?Stone? Port Elisabeth, South Africa, Tossie Theron gallery
?Monkey? New York, John Summer home
?Swimmers? Monopoli, Italy, Dino del Vecchio gallery
?Easter Island? Montevarchi, Italy, Esperia Architettura
?Stories in briefcases? Arezzo, Italy, Cultural Association Fromscratch
?Painting in white? Naples, Key Room Kaleidos gallery
?The flight of the Argonaute? Dammartin en Goele, France
Grroup show:
?Fast Forward?, New York, Onetwentyeigth gallery
?Rewind? New York, Onetwentyeigth gallery
?The society for collective investigation? New York, Artist Space
?The San Giovanni night ? Ostuni, Italy,
?Via Crucis? Sanzeno Val di Non , San Romedio Church, Italy
?A space made-measure? Milan, Marina Wolff home
?Work-shop exhibition? with the artist Piero Golia, Faenza, Italy, Museum Carlo Zauli
For information please see the internet site www.fromscratch.it
Assistant of David Casini for the Analix gallery, Geneva