Gian Genta was born 63 years Savona where he resides.
Assiduo regular circles and the mythical school artistic Albissolese since the 60-70 years was dedicated to the art world, alternating as always its communicative power both in writing and in sculpture.
In 2002, leaves his first collection of images and thoughts "Flowers Ortica"
In 2005, the second book in verse and aphorisms "Past beside"
Crucial was the experimentation with clay began at the ceramic Turi of Albisola and at studies that alternately friends potters have accepted, for lead after nell'atelier Sandro Soravia.
A search intimist overt, a expressionism not only formal but fully assimilated and revised the second parameters of absolute originality,
primitivism a strong, sometimes disturbing and grotesque, but alive and profoundly true, absolute as one might define, in being first all-genius and current.
Today its production for both the modeled and for firing pottery, is at the "Artists Group" of factory Piral in Albisola.