Paola Mattavelli

Paola Mattavelli


Born in Milan in April 1975 draws since childhood, and finds himself in drawing his true nature and his character.
The passion for drawing accompanies it throughout adolescence enough to undertake such course of study a fashion school that leads to the diploma of Stiista of Fashion.
Over the years he has worked occasionally with the Milanese designers of reality and in the meantime he devoted himself to the illustrations and comics.
Prefers black and white renderings illuminate because he believes in an elegant and refined.
Sketches are always his passion so that friends and friends where they collect several humorous moments are represented daily life and ideas taken from real events.
In this regard was born in early 2015 a Facebook page "Dog Love and Fantasy" whose protagonists its 2 great little chihuahua dealing with the adventures of everyday life inside and outside the home. Stories estremizzate but often true where the owner of a pet can be found.
Always looking for lighting his last activity is to draw on ceramics giving room for further creativity and imagination.

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