Paolo Voto

Paolo Voto


I am Paolo Voto, 33 years old, and based in Padua.

I am a freelance editorial and adv illustrator, and I divide my days between work, that allows me to collaborate mostly with communication agencies; the care of the webcomic I have created, Mostro & Pizzo; and the participation to call to artists.

At the end of 2016 I won the Italian contest “Italianism, Ten Words”, illustrating the word “Time”. After that I am selected as one of the ten finalists of “Illustraction, A Manifest in favor of Culture”, for which I made one of the best illustrations of the Over25 category.

I place side by side digital techniques to others more traditional, usually matching ballpoint pen and watercolors.

My favorite artists from which I take inspiration are Caravaggio, Alphonse Mucha, Will Eisner and Sergio Toppi. Do aim I too high? I am doing it because “there always are fringes and results that it woulds like to pass; try to do it involves a strong dose of severity” (quote of S. Toppi).

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