Lorenzo Paganelli

Lorenzo Paganelli


My name is Lorenzo Paganelli, I come from Bologna and I am 37 years old. From 14 years i'm working as an illustrator especially in the category of scholasticism, history and archeology, and i'm specialized in historical reconstruction, history for children and archeology.
I started in a studio in Florence where together with other collaborators we have collected different work experiences, with many Italian publishing houses active in the field of scholastic, historical and archaeological culture.
Currently I continue my profession as a free lance.
During my career growth I have expanded the techniques of image making, evolving from the use of traditional tools such as liquid colors, colors, pencils etc. to the support of digital tools such as the use of graphic programs.
All with the aim of mixing and crossing the two techniques to obtain new and interesting results
qualitative during the operational phases.
This new skills allowed me to experiment with other kinds of different illustration
from what I work for, developing particular interest in the thriller genre,
horror and science fiction and I hope in the future to collaborate with specialized publishers
in the aforementioned areas.
I have as a priority the respect of customers, and the will to always achieve
high quality images respecting the terms of delivery of the works,
and to consolidate new work collaborations and therefore new personal knowledge.
I thank the attention to this small description of my professional career
of illustrator.


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