Walter Brocca

Walter Brocca


Walter Brocca was born in Venice September 4, 1984. The first part of his training course concludes with the achievement of high school diploma at the Venice Art College, in 2001/2002.

In 2003 he decided to further his studies in the field of comics and illustration by enrolling in a three-year specialization course at the International School of Comics, by attending the first year in the Rome office and the following two in Florence. He obtained the professional qualifications of cartoonist and screenwriter in 2006.

Once returned in Venice he devoted himself to various artistic activities and works as a freelance graphic. In addition, from February 2010 to the present, is committed to taking a degree course at The UIA (International Univesity of Arts) in Venice in order to obtain the professional title of Assistant Conservator of Cultural Heritage and to deepen their knowledge of classical art techniques.

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