Nancy Rossit

Nancy Rossit


In 1999 it exposes edition of the collective one to the V "Art at the same time" organized by the Cultural shop ATTIVARIA of Latisana. From 2000 it participates in the initiatives annually organized by the agency Young people of the Commune of Udine exposing and publishing the proper elaborate graphic. Subsequently he/she works near the advertising agency udinese to Communicate. In 2006 it frequents a course of illustration near the International School of illustration of Sarmede, and subsequently in the School of Graphics ?Giovanni from Udine?, with which exposes his elaborate to the show in 2007 ?Sghiribiz? near the Visionary Cinema. In 2008 it exposes to the shows ?Witch commands... color? near the Circle ?You Wine cellar / No Fun? of Udine, and ?Who Is Boris? in the Villa Biretta in Pavia of Udine, both organized by the association Etrarte. From 2003 he/she works in the graphic study DSF design of Latisana.

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