Franco Pastore

Franco Pastore


He was born in S.Valentino Torio, he obtained his degree in the Salerno University.
He has collaborated with literary periodicals, and has worked in the review "Verso il 2000" directed by the writer Arnaldo Di Matteo.
He is a teacher in the Technical School of Angri (SA), and writes for the theatre, a passion cultivated since his friendship with Franco Angrisano, actor in the company of Eduardo De Filippo. His plays have been acted, by the company "Gruppo 02 "from Pagani (SA), whose director is Enzo Fabbricatore, among other places, at the ducal palace of Solfora, in the auditorium of the Social Centre of Pagani, in the Piaggine Thaetre, at Gragnano (NA).

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