Cesare Lo Monaco, some years later he got a degree as graphic designer. Nowadays he lives and works in Grugliasco, near Turin.
When he was 16 in Milan he started to draw cartoonss and became a puiblisher with Setau and Pavasio with the ?S.P.L.? society.
He goes on to cooperate with Mon ....
sorry. i don't speak english.
Partiamo da quando capisci che la via della creativita'
e' l'unico modo che hai per non diventare un disadattato, che il ruolo sociale del creativo e' l'unico che permette ancora (non si sa per quanto)
di sentirti padrone del tuo mondo.
Allora ti informi, vieni a co ....
Ivo Milazzo, moved young Liguria he began to attend Rapallo grow artistically under the guidance of Luciano Bottaro, Carlo and Giorgio Chendi Rebuffi, the founders of Studio Bierrec?. It is here that, of a story and the other Disney (Uncle Paperone and the disappearance of Paperopoli of 1973, with t ....Read more...