 Milena Sorpilli


Milena Sorpilli
 Moira Forastiere


Moira Forastiere
 Orod Orodè


Orod Orodè
 Patricia Taide


Patricia Taide
 Patrizia Parravicini


Patrizia  Parravicini
 Patrizia Levi


Patrizia Levi
 Petrit Ceno


Petrit Ceno
 Rita Rinaldelli


Rita Rinaldelli
 Roberta Marchisella


Roberta Marchisella
 Rodolfo Cubeta


Rodolfo Cubeta
 Rossella Maggi


Rossella Maggi
 Sergio Giardina


Sergio Giardina


 Simone Capriotti


Simone Capriotti
 Simone Magli


Simone Magli
 Sonia O-hido


Sonia O-hido
 Valeria Tonni


Valeria Tonni
 Vincenzo Vinciguerra


Vincenzo Vinciguerra
 Vincenzo Conciatori


Vincenzo Conciatori
 Vincenzo Del Duca


Vincenzo Del  Duca
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Elisabetta Fontana


Elisabetta Fontana was born in Parma in 1965, where she still lives and works.
She has known how to use her artistic sense also in the profession as imagine consulent and nail artist.
since she was young she discovered her art and painting passion.

In 2008 she becomes a member of Belle Arti Lab


dante  dalbuono


My work is always shared and agreed with those who commission it and covers many artistic techniques.
My painting and drawing works range from illustration to comics, from painting to murals. They are my story or a snapshot of what I want to tell.
My works of art (for galleries or homes) are alw


Patricia Taide


Storyboard artist







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